Sister Dr Sandra Richards

Sandra Richards, PhD., has become one of the busiest UK based female self-development professionals. She is a humble trailblazer setting the benchmark for teaching accomplishments personally and professionally that lead the way in terms of styles of delivery, innovation, quality, evaluation, academia, parenting and meditation with music and movement.

Her latest contribution to excellence is The F.O.R.M.U.L.A. a model of inclusive practice.other practitioners to apply the current government policy agenda of inclusive


In 2006 Sandra produced a series of workbooks that complement the education CD series. These include a parenting framework and self discovery questions to assist the journey to empowerment.

In 2006 Sister Dr Sandra Richards gave blessed words at Day of the Goddess. In 2010 &2011 ‘Day of the Goddess returned and Sister Dr Sandra encapsulated,Inspired, Loved & Energised all women present.

Speakers as powerful as Dr Richards should be indeed bathed in Gold & placed high on a pedestool, every woman who was in attendance at Day of the Goddess was touched by Sister Dr in a truly divine way.

Sunday 25th March 2012, she is set to do it all again